Testimonial Policy

At Ishaavia Global Marketing Private Limited, we value the feedback and experiences of our customers and distributors. Testimonials help us improve our products and services while providing valuable insights to potential customers. Our Testimonial Policy outlines the guidelines for submitting and using testimonials on our platforms.

1. Eligibility

Customers and Distributors : Testimonials can be submitted by customers who have purchased our products or distributors who have engaged with our business opportunities.
Genuine Experiences : We encourage testimonials that reflect genuine, personal experiences with our products and services.

2. Submission Guidelines

How to Submit : To submit a testimonial, please visit our website and use the [testimonial submission form/link] or email us at [email address].
Content Requirements : Testimonials should be clear, concise, and relevant. They may include your experience with our products, customer service, or business opportunities.
Personal Information : Include your name, location (city and/or country), and any other relevant details. We respect your privacy and will only publish the information you consent to share.
Photos and Videos : You may include photos or videos with your testimonial. Ensure that any media submitted is your own and that you have the right to share it.

3. Review and Approval

Review Process : All testimonials are reviewed by our team to ensure they meet our guidelines and standards.
Approval Criteria : Testimonials must be genuine, respectful, and relevant. We reserve the right to edit or reject testimonials that contain inappropriate language, false claims, or irrelevant content.
Notification : Approved testimonials will be published on our website and/or social media platforms.
You will be notified once your testimonial is live.

4. Use of Testimonials

Publication : By submitting a testimonial, you grant Ishaavia Global Marketing Private Limited permission to use your testimonial, along with your name and location, on our website, social media platforms, marketing materials, and other promotional channels.
Editing : We may edit testimonials for clarity, length, or grammar, while ensuring the original message remains intact.
Attribution : We will attribute testimonials to the individuals who provided them, using the name and location details provided during submission.

5. Intellectual Property

Ownership : By submitting a testimonial, you affirm that the content is your original work and that you have the right to grant us permission to use it.
Rights Granted : You grant Ishaavia Global Marketing Private Limited a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and worldwide license to use, reproduce, edit, and publish your testimonial in any medium.

6. Privacy and Confidentiality

Personal Information : We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information submitted with testimonials will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Consent : By submitting a testimonial, you consent to the public display of your testimonial, including any personal information you have provided.

7. Removal of Testimonials

Request for Removal : If you wish to remove your testimonial from our platforms, please contact us at [email/phone number]. We will process your request promptly.
Company Discretion : We reserve the right to remove testimonials at our discretion, without prior notice, for reasons including but not limited to policy violations or changes in testimonial relevance.

8. Contact Information

Customer Support : If you have any questions or need assistance regarding our Testimonial Policy, please contact our customer service team at [email/phone number].
Support Hours : Our customer support team is available [support hours] to assist you with any inquiries.

9. Policy Updates

Changes to Policy : We reserve the right to update or modify this Testimonial Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and customers will be notified accordingly.
We at Ishaavia Global Marketing Private Limited appreciate your feedback and thank you for sharing your experiences. Your testimonials help us grow and improve, and they inspire others to join our mission of empowerment and innovation.

For more information, please visit our Contact Us page.